Must say that this is the first stage in which friends will go to play baccarat online Together on the web in order to find money too, in order to enter the game for fun But playing a good game requires a good sense of intelligence or not.
Calling one another that the geniuses are in Baccarat online, each person, so we will take friends Come to test the genius with this puzzle. The story of this puzzle is that There are two men. Which a man wearing a blue shirt
He is a murderer And there was another man who had been taken off his shirt Then he was the unfortunate one who was murdered by this murderer baccarat online.
By the way, the murderer chose to use the poison and the poison that was on the table in front of the man who had removed the shirt. But the puzzle is that This poison that is empty on the table will have 2 tablets, but the poison will have only one tablet, which is 1 in 2 tablets placed here.